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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AbinavaK Posted - 20/11/2022
This looks good because I don't have a website, just a Facebook page to promote my tutorials. But without a website, how can I make online sales and add new subscribers for my lessons. Does SafeGuard Media provide an online shop for us to use?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - 21/11/2022
Online sales can be made from a link that can be pasted onto any webpage or even a Facebook post. Authors and team leaders can add their PayPal ID to their Account details for the option to show in their menus.

Unlimited products (items) for sale can be added and the system will index all products and sales made. When a sale is made the buyer sees an online invoice and a notification is sent by email to both the buyer and vendor.

Note that it is the author's responsibility to deliver the product ordered... products and subscriptions can differ so much that it is best that each author adds the new subscribers manually.

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