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 SafeGuard Webmail
 Secure team messages and mail
 How can a message service serve online courses?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MingFeng Posted - 16/11/2022
I don't understand how a secure messaging service can be used for online courses which are usually provided for desktop reading with DRM or within a website CMS like Moodle. Can you please explain more?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kendo Posted - 06/12/2022
What makes SafeGuard Mail ideal for student tutorials is the DRM that enables authors to control who, how and when a student can access lessons that are assigned to them.
Admin Posted - 16/11/2022
The SafeGuard Mail service is a "webmail" like solution that displays messages as web pages which can only be read in a secure web browser.

Considering how easy it is to manage, SafeGuard Mail is much more secure than any website can be, very much more economical and extremely easy to use and manage. But the proof is in trying the pudding... you can create a demo account at

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