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Posted - 18/11/2022 On WordPress I see a lot of plugins for copy protection. How does Safegaurd Media compare with them? Care to explain?
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 18/11/2022 A point to note is that no CMS plugin can prevent copy on its own. For example WordPress plugins are only HTML and JavaScript and as such cannot action at system level which is where copy must be controlled. At best, all a browser plugin can do these days is hamper the use of right-click menu actions... but Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-P will bypass that trifle.
That is the difference with SafeGuard Media because our plugin provides an interface with a much more sophisticated solution that begins server side to ensure that content is encrypted and channelled for display in the ArtisBrowser, which the only web browser capable of decrypting that content to display it while preventing all copy.
Posted - 18/11/2022 To be frank, none of the other "copy protect" plugins will do anything more than prevent right-click safe options, except for the CopySafe plugins. Copysafe plugins are most secure from all save and copy methods but only Windows users can view the copy protected pages.
The ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) is the only web solution that will protect from all copy methods and still be viewed on all computers and devices. It is ASPS that SafeGuard Media uses on our server. There is no alternative to ASPS because nothing else can prevent copy from all avenues of exploit:
Prevent all save and copy including screen shots and recording.
Prevent downloads and site scraping.
Prevent view of source code for file location.
Prevent packet sniffers from getting HTML.
Prevent data retrieval from browser cache and memory.