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 SafeGuard DRM
 Adding DRM to Web Pages
 Can I DRM protect flipbooks?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HouthaeveK Posted - 13/04/2023
Can Wordpress DRM be used for both pdf and flipbooks? Is there a flipbook software that you can recommend?

Will the Wordpress DRM token be tied to the user's computer to ensure only the registered user can use it?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - 13/04/2023
Originally posted by HouthaeveK - Will the Wordpress DRM token be tied to the user's computer to ensure only the registered user can use it?

Absolutely. That is what our DRM is about.
Admin Posted - 13/04/2023
Originally posted by HouthaeveK - Can Wordpress DRM be used for both pdf and flipbooks? Is there a flipbook software that you can recommend?

SafeGuard DRM for WordPress prevents unauthorised access to the web page. What you can display on the web page is open to you. However any viewer or player used on the page needs to be customisable to remove options for print, save, download and open in a new window or fullscreen.

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