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 Which pages to copy protect
 Can I protect the whole website?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JoseC Posted - 04/12/2022
Can the whole website be locked down for copy protection so that only subscribers can have access?

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JoseC Posted - 04/12/2022
Thanks. Good to know. But we promote from elsewhere so there is no need for anyone not subscribed to have access to the protected site. The more private the better for us.
Kendo Posted - 04/12/2022
Yes. But it is not recommended if you need search engines to sample some of your information.

But by all means do copy protect everything else, including your login page because that can save some confusion. Otherwise users might log in only to find that they do need the ArtisBrowser and then will have to login again.

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