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 SafeGuard Webmail
 Secure team messages and mail
 Most secure team messages and student lessons

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 14/11/2022
SafeGuard Mail is like Webmail in that messages can be read online using a web browser. Those messages are comprised of HTML and display like web pages which means that images, links, PDF and video can be be embedded which more securely copy protected than ever imagined.

Secure Team Messages

Messages can be sent to select recipients that cannot be shared or copied in any way.

Online Courses and Student Lessons

Publishing lessons and media on protected web pages makes SafeGuard Mail ideal for online courses where students cannot share or copy the page or its contact in any way.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - 16/11/2022
Each SafeGuard Mail account has an admin or team leader who can add and manage an unlimited number of team members and assign them to an unlimited number of groups.

Team members can interact and message each other but who they can contact is governed by the team leader when posting a message. For example if a message is sent to recipients as BCC then none of the recipients know about the others. But if a message is sent using TO and CC, all of those recipients are added to each recipients address book. Each recipient can reply to and include any members in their address book.

From the security side each member can edit or delete their own messages which will have immediate effect. For example if wording needs to be changed then it will apply to the message that everyone already has in their Inbox. Likewise if a message needs to be retracted it will be removed from every Inbox. Any message that is found in a member's SENT items can be edited/deleted.
JoshuaJ Posted - 16/11/2022
I am interested in securing team messages and would like to know more about Safeguard Mail. Is there a limit to how many team members and can I manage them in groups? Can team members interact with each other?

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